Stories of the Australian Chinese Medical Association

We advise medical practitioners in NSW and any concerned members of the public to visit the NSW Health novel coronavirus page for the latest information. It has information which is useful for both medical practitioners and the general public, including the news, fact sheets, posters for waiting rooms and links to some videos.

NSW Health - Novel Coronavirus

This is a fluid situation, so please go to the site for the most up to date information. We have thus not included any direct links to resources.

Last week, the Australian Chinese Medical Association hosted our 29th Annual Dinner. We were initially worried as the day was cold and wet, but as evening came, the rain and winds receded, setting the scene for an amazing night. The backdrop? The trifecta of the breath-taking Sydney Harbour, the magnificent Harbour Bridge and the iconic Opera House… need I say more?!

Read more: ACMA 29th Annual Dinner 2019


Read more: 中华人民共和国驻悉尼总领事馆领事亲切会见澳华医学会董事局成员/ ACMA meeting with Chinese Consul General
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