ACMA Charitable Trust
Giving back
to the community

The ACMA Charitable Trust

The ACMA Charitable Trust (the Trust) was established on 19 November 1992 as a registered public charity in the state of NSW by the Australian Chinese Medical Association (ACMA). The Trust has been managed by a corporate trustee company, ACMA Charity Pty Ltd (the Corporate Trustee), with ACMA as the sole shareholder since 2017. Presently there are seven Directors on the Board of ACMA Charity Pty Ltd. ACMA Charitable Trust is registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission (ACNC), and adheres to all its compliance requirements. Financial and other details of the ACMA Charitable Trust may be found on the ACNC website.

The Trust liaises closely with ACMA, and provides an annual report/audited financial statement to the Management Committee (MC) of ACMA, publishing its activities on the ACMA newsletter and supporting ACMA in charitable and community projects, while ACMA provides administrative support for the trust.

The Trustees

The ACMA Charitable Trust is run by a Board of Trustees appointed by the President of the ACMA, acting by a majority resolution of the Management Committee. At present there are seven trustees from a broad cross-section of the Australian community. They all serve in an honorary capacity.

The current trustees (pictured above) are:

  • Honorary Chair: Ms. Linda Tang. BA (HKU), CFP, DFP, Member of FPA, JP NSW
  • Honorary Treasurer: Mr. Benedict Or. FCPA, Member of FPA, JP NSW.
  • Honorary Secretary: Mrs. Fifi Lai. Physiotherapist.
  • Trust Directors:
    • Ms Helen Chen. BN (Syd), registered nurse.
    • Ms June He. BCom (Syd).
    • A/Prof Tony Pang. PhD (UNSW), FRACS, FACS, AStat, PStat.
    • A/Prof Christopher Zaslawski. CertAdvAc (Guangzhou TCM), PracDipAc (ACA), BAppSc (Syd), MHlthScEd (Syd), PhD (UTS).
  • Honorary Consultant: Mrs Cathy Lam. BSocSc (HKU), MPhil (Auckland), LLB (UTS), GDipLegalStud (Syd).

Education and Research

The advancement of education and research in medicine

Relief of hardship

The relief of distress and hardship of people in need

Financial Assistance

Scholarship and bursaries to promote the undertaking of medical research and studies


Making of gifts and donations to other publicly registered charities

Further Trust Information

Financial Reports, Annual Information Statements and other documents regarding this Charity may be found on the ACNC registry website.

The 2022 Chairperson's report can be found here.

Donate - Please donate

ACMA Annual Charity Dinner

The mainstay of donations to the ACMA trust from friends and members is at the annual ACMA Charity Dinner.  Each year, one or two charitable organisations are selected and all proceeds from the dinner event donated to them.  Organisations which have benefited in the past from your generosity include:

  • Australian Nursing Home Foundation;
  • Australian Resesarch Centre in Complementary and Integrative Medicine (ARCCIM) at the University of Technology Sydney;
  • CanRevive - a non-profit organisation which support Chinese-speaking patients through their cancer journey;
  • Giant Steps - a school for children with autism;
  • Northcott Disability Services;
  • Sun Yat-Sen University affiliated teaching hospitals;
  • Westmead Women’s Institute for Research & Data Collection (W2IRED);
  • Woodbury Autism Education and Research.

Other Donations

Donations may also occur at times of crisis, such as after the 2008 Sichuan Earthquake Disaster.  At that time, the ACMA Charitable Trust raised a sum of A$20,650 which was used to donate a cardiac machine to assist the rebuilding of the Du Jiang Yan People's Hospital.


Some organisations we have supported in the past: